Travel Info
Travel Info FAQ's
Will I Need a Rental Car During My Stay?
How Much Cash Should I Bring?
Do The Stores Accept Dollars?
What Type of Clothing Should I Pack?
Typical Wetsuit Needed for Kiting or Windsurfing
Seasonal Weather Conditions
During the winter months of December – mid February, the daytime air temperature varies from 65°F to 80°F degrees with a water temperature of 70-75° minimum, warmer early and late season.
Late spring, summer, and early fall can offer some incredibly beautiful and quiet times in La Ventana. There’s bathtub-like water, great underwater visibility for snorkeling or scuba, excellent fishing, SUP, and good but intermittent winds. Combine all that with lower off-season pricing and you might want to consider an off-season visit!
Wind Conditions:
From mid-October to April/May, La Ventana offers great conditions for a Baja California wind sport vacation: warm water, good wind, and a variety of sites well-suited to anyone from beginners to experts.
Flight Information
Las Paz
A 45 minutes drive, La Paz Airport has the advantage of being closer to La Ventana. Unfortunately, the only direct flight to La Paz is from LAX.
Travelers who live in southern CA also have the option of taking the trolley or Uber to the border, walking across, and getting a taxi to Tijuana airport. From there you can fly directly to La Paz. In La Paz, taxis to La Ventana are available at the airport or get in touch with us and we can set up your taxi
The taxi service costs around $120 USD for round trip for 1-3 people, plus $10 per extra person.
Los Cabos
Airlines that serve Los Cabos (SJD) include: United, U.S. Air, Alaska, American, and Aeromexico (Delta).
The drive is about 2 hours. You can get to La Ventana by rental car or taxi. If you are taking a taxi, make sure you tell the driver that it is NOT "LAS VENTANAS," (which is near Los Cabos) but LA VENTANA (which is near Los Planes/La Paz). Be sure to have a price agreed on prior to getting on board.
We work with preferred taxi companies to get you a better rate than what is readily available from the airport. Round trip cost is around $260 USD for up to 3 passengers, plus $10 per extra person for up to 10 passengers.
There is also a webpage about whats happening locally and they also have a travel section.https://www.theventanaview.com/travel-board/
Daily shuttles from LV to the SJD airport at 9:00 and 11:00am, from airport back to LV at 1:00 and 4:00pm, $45 per person
Driving Directions
From Las Paz Airport
Drive out of airport and turn right, you will be on Hwy 1 heading toward La Paz.
- When you get to the whale tail monument bear right at the signs for La Paz Centro/ Los Cabos and you will be on Blvd Las Garzas (also called Blvd Agustin Olachea)
- Turn right on Blvd Luis D. Colosio. Continue out of La Paz – turns into Hwy 286 to SJ de Los Planes.
- Pass the Pepsi & Coca Cola bottling plants.
- You will head up the mountains then drops into the Los Planes Valley, where you will have your first view of La Ventana bay.
- Turn left at El Sargents, a paved road that is around 30 minutes from La Paz.
- Follow the Home Stretch directions from here.
From Los Cabos Airport
Set odometer to zero as you come around the overpass at SJD airport and merge with Hwy 1 heading towards La Paz. Km markers are as follows:
- 68km; pass the town of Los Barriles; Stay on Hwy 1 for .86 km;
- Pass through town of San Bartolo (lots of speed bumps) stay on Hwy 1. for 114 km;
- Drive through mountains and passed km marker 155 (white sign) and into town of San Antonio.
- Pass a Pemex gas station on the left. Stay on Hwy 1 for 100 yards
- Turn Right at paved road with lots of signs/ads for La Ventana/El Sargento.
- Follow paved road and signs to Los Planes (you are now on the paved cut off road which connects San Antonio to Los Planes).
- 136 km; Arrive at T intersection near Los Planes, turn left towards La Paz.
- Continue for approx 3 km.
- Take the first right (after the roadside shrine.) You’ll see numerous signs for Coyas/La Ventana/El Sargento businesses. Follow Home Stretch directions from here.
Home Stretch Directions
Approx 146km is the first speed bump coming into town of La Ventana. Continue another couple hundred meters / yards where road dips down you will see our lighted sign on the right for "Coyas/Ventana Windsports." Turn right on the sloping dirt road at the sign and then bear left on frontage dirt road to parking area near solar panel parking structure.
You are here! The office is just inside the gate to the right.